Thursday, 10 October 2013

Appear three new tests on Bankia scam

Mariano Rajoy,  Torres Dulce y Ruiz Gallardón, laugh at the thousands of pensioners and retirees scammed by Bankia

Although it has been proved the collective delusion , designed and ordered from the President of Bankia (formerly Caja Madrid ) , and also through the documentation sent to the CNMV Banks Boxes and trying the alleged scam, advising against it.

Now in 2013 , the government of Mariano Rajoy , Minister of Justice , Alberto Ruiz Gallardón , and the Attorney General, edduardo Dulce Torres , in some cases pressure , and other directly ordered prosecutors and judges who fail their judgments against the thousands of retirees and pensioners cheated, scammed and vilified by Bankia -Caja Madrid .
So , incidentally, exonerate the perpetrators of the fraud , deception and bankruptcy of the Spanish state which are the "ex - presidentuchos " of the alleged lender and association alleged malefactors , Miguel Blesa , Rodrigo Rato , Goirigolzarri and board members.

These are some lies from Bankia-Caja Madrid (arguments in internal documentation Bankia -Caja Madrid , INSTRUCTIONS FOR MARKETING OF PREFERRED EMPLOYEES REFERRED TO MANY COURTS AND CNMV " delivered to their employees, they have been participants necessary for the success of the scam) , collectively duped hundreds of thousands of customers pensioners and / or retired :


- The argument used to ensure solvency was:  Bankia-Caja Madrid was the only bank that earned net profit in the first quarter of 2009 . ( Because the reality was very different, between 2007 and 2011, the Board of Directors and the Management Committee of Caja Madrid manipulated the official accounts of the entity to provide a picture of solvency and good management that ended up causing a gap in its balance sheet assets of at least 13,000 million euros)

Eduardo Torres Dulce Resignation!- The Preferred Securities are part of the CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY ( Caja Madrid by that time I had no resources , just debts , so urgently need to raise capital, comprises all )


- THERE IS A SECONDARY INTERNAL MARKET (Never existed the secondary market capital repayments were made for some clients as Rodrigo Rato himself , came from his own Ponzi scheme of preferential capital was paid for new customers scammed )

Bankia continues to spend tens of millions of euros in advertising campaigns and to "callar las bocas" in the media , especially in television , making statements of the type, " are already solved the problems of those affected by preference shares. .. " and similar lies .
While many of the elderly are scammed by age died a few others by the misfortune of being deceived and see how the government attacks against them , so Bankia is saving millions of euros ( the Preferred scam is over 3,000 million euros).

Give us back our savings scammed and preference shares,Justice ! , The guilty, Miguel Blesa and Rodrigo Rato, to jail.
A government that attacks, lambasts, teases ,checked out and attacks against the most sacred of society , who are our elders, is a Mother fucker´s Government.

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