Sunday, 20 October 2013

Cospedal, Resignation and to jail now.

The Popular Party´s Secretary General Maria Dolores de Cospedal, received envelopes with black money, wins three salaries every month, her husband is CEO of the company Capio, company that Cospedal pains awarded the management of public hospitals she cut benefits.
She's a bitch.
Cospedal, Resignation and to jail now.
The Popular Party´s Secretary General Maria Dolores de Cospedal, received envelopes with black money
Poster´s translation:
IDC CAPIO health.
Your illness is our business.
Your money is now in our hands

Cospedal, to jail!
She is a corrupt and shameless

Saturday, 12 October 2013

The European Parliament will watch Luis de Guindos, by consent Bankia scam

El Parlamento Europeo, llama la atención al Ministro Luis  De Guindos, por no obligar a Bankia a devolver los ahorros estafados a los pensionistas y jubilados. Luis De Guindos Europa te sigue, Europa te vigila, Europa te vuelve a recomendar la íntegra devolución de todo el dinero lo robado. Rajoy,  De Guindos devolvednos lo que es nuestro, porque no teneis ninguna otra escapatoria, y porque el derecho que nos asiste así se lo demanda.  Un gobierno que defiende a los estafadores y a los golfos, y arremete contra las victimas, es un gobierno de hijos de puta.
The European Parliament, calls attention to the Minister Luis De Guindos, not force Bankia to return the savings swindled pensioners and retirees.

Luis De Guindos Europe follows you, Europe is watching you, Europe will again recommend the full repayment of all the money stolen.

Rajoy, De Guindos give us back what is ours, because you have no other way out, and because the right to do so assists us demand.
A government that defends the scammers and gulfs, and fall upon the victims, is a government bastards.

Toque de atención a Luis De Guindos por el Parlamento Europeo
Pincha para ampliar

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Appear three new tests on Bankia scam

Mariano Rajoy,  Torres Dulce y Ruiz Gallardón, laugh at the thousands of pensioners and retirees scammed by Bankia

Although it has been proved the collective delusion , designed and ordered from the President of Bankia (formerly Caja Madrid ) , and also through the documentation sent to the CNMV Banks Boxes and trying the alleged scam, advising against it.

Now in 2013 , the government of Mariano Rajoy , Minister of Justice , Alberto Ruiz Gallardón , and the Attorney General, edduardo Dulce Torres , in some cases pressure , and other directly ordered prosecutors and judges who fail their judgments against the thousands of retirees and pensioners cheated, scammed and vilified by Bankia -Caja Madrid .
So , incidentally, exonerate the perpetrators of the fraud , deception and bankruptcy of the Spanish state which are the "ex - presidentuchos " of the alleged lender and association alleged malefactors , Miguel Blesa , Rodrigo Rato , Goirigolzarri and board members.

These are some lies from Bankia-Caja Madrid (arguments in internal documentation Bankia -Caja Madrid , INSTRUCTIONS FOR MARKETING OF PREFERRED EMPLOYEES REFERRED TO MANY COURTS AND CNMV " delivered to their employees, they have been participants necessary for the success of the scam) , collectively duped hundreds of thousands of customers pensioners and / or retired :


- The argument used to ensure solvency was:  Bankia-Caja Madrid was the only bank that earned net profit in the first quarter of 2009 . ( Because the reality was very different, between 2007 and 2011, the Board of Directors and the Management Committee of Caja Madrid manipulated the official accounts of the entity to provide a picture of solvency and good management that ended up causing a gap in its balance sheet assets of at least 13,000 million euros)

Eduardo Torres Dulce Resignation!- The Preferred Securities are part of the CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY ( Caja Madrid by that time I had no resources , just debts , so urgently need to raise capital, comprises all )


- THERE IS A SECONDARY INTERNAL MARKET (Never existed the secondary market capital repayments were made for some clients as Rodrigo Rato himself , came from his own Ponzi scheme of preferential capital was paid for new customers scammed )

Bankia continues to spend tens of millions of euros in advertising campaigns and to "callar las bocas" in the media , especially in television , making statements of the type, " are already solved the problems of those affected by preference shares. .. " and similar lies .
While many of the elderly are scammed by age died a few others by the misfortune of being deceived and see how the government attacks against them , so Bankia is saving millions of euros ( the Preferred scam is over 3,000 million euros).

Give us back our savings scammed and preference shares,Justice ! , The guilty, Miguel Blesa and Rodrigo Rato, to jail.
A government that attacks, lambasts, teases ,checked out and attacks against the most sacred of society , who are our elders, is a Mother fucker´s Government.