Monday, 25 November 2013

Carlos Fabra another pig sty,

C. Fabra, former president of the council of Castellón and member of the Popular Party has been sentenced to 4 years in prison for tax evasion.
Carlos Fabra another pig sty,  No jail for so much motherfucker!

Carlos Fabra another pig sty,

No jail for so much motherfucker!

Memory of Spain

Memory of Spain

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Intifada begins in Spain, fighting continues the Popular Party.

Too bad I did not hurl the sandal against the face of Rodrigo Rato scammer!...

Mr Rato, remember that "fear is going to switch sides."

Does the recession ended?, Yes, but only for the liar Minister Montoro

 6 million unemployed. Does the recession ended?, Yes, but only for the liar Minister Montoro

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Cospedal, Resignation and to jail now.

The Popular Party´s Secretary General Maria Dolores de Cospedal, received envelopes with black money, wins three salaries every month, her husband is CEO of the company Capio, company that Cospedal pains awarded the management of public hospitals she cut benefits.
She's a bitch.
Cospedal, Resignation and to jail now.
The Popular Party´s Secretary General Maria Dolores de Cospedal, received envelopes with black money
Poster´s translation:
IDC CAPIO health.
Your illness is our business.
Your money is now in our hands

Cospedal, to jail!
She is a corrupt and shameless

Saturday, 12 October 2013

The European Parliament will watch Luis de Guindos, by consent Bankia scam

El Parlamento Europeo, llama la atención al Ministro Luis  De Guindos, por no obligar a Bankia a devolver los ahorros estafados a los pensionistas y jubilados. Luis De Guindos Europa te sigue, Europa te vigila, Europa te vuelve a recomendar la íntegra devolución de todo el dinero lo robado. Rajoy,  De Guindos devolvednos lo que es nuestro, porque no teneis ninguna otra escapatoria, y porque el derecho que nos asiste así se lo demanda.  Un gobierno que defiende a los estafadores y a los golfos, y arremete contra las victimas, es un gobierno de hijos de puta.
The European Parliament, calls attention to the Minister Luis De Guindos, not force Bankia to return the savings swindled pensioners and retirees.

Luis De Guindos Europe follows you, Europe is watching you, Europe will again recommend the full repayment of all the money stolen.

Rajoy, De Guindos give us back what is ours, because you have no other way out, and because the right to do so assists us demand.
A government that defends the scammers and gulfs, and fall upon the victims, is a government bastards.

Toque de atención a Luis De Guindos por el Parlamento Europeo
Pincha para ampliar

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Appear three new tests on Bankia scam

Mariano Rajoy,  Torres Dulce y Ruiz Gallardón, laugh at the thousands of pensioners and retirees scammed by Bankia

Although it has been proved the collective delusion , designed and ordered from the President of Bankia (formerly Caja Madrid ) , and also through the documentation sent to the CNMV Banks Boxes and trying the alleged scam, advising against it.

Now in 2013 , the government of Mariano Rajoy , Minister of Justice , Alberto Ruiz Gallardón , and the Attorney General, edduardo Dulce Torres , in some cases pressure , and other directly ordered prosecutors and judges who fail their judgments against the thousands of retirees and pensioners cheated, scammed and vilified by Bankia -Caja Madrid .
So , incidentally, exonerate the perpetrators of the fraud , deception and bankruptcy of the Spanish state which are the "ex - presidentuchos " of the alleged lender and association alleged malefactors , Miguel Blesa , Rodrigo Rato , Goirigolzarri and board members.

These are some lies from Bankia-Caja Madrid (arguments in internal documentation Bankia -Caja Madrid , INSTRUCTIONS FOR MARKETING OF PREFERRED EMPLOYEES REFERRED TO MANY COURTS AND CNMV " delivered to their employees, they have been participants necessary for the success of the scam) , collectively duped hundreds of thousands of customers pensioners and / or retired :


- The argument used to ensure solvency was:  Bankia-Caja Madrid was the only bank that earned net profit in the first quarter of 2009 . ( Because the reality was very different, between 2007 and 2011, the Board of Directors and the Management Committee of Caja Madrid manipulated the official accounts of the entity to provide a picture of solvency and good management that ended up causing a gap in its balance sheet assets of at least 13,000 million euros)

Eduardo Torres Dulce Resignation!- The Preferred Securities are part of the CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY ( Caja Madrid by that time I had no resources , just debts , so urgently need to raise capital, comprises all )


- THERE IS A SECONDARY INTERNAL MARKET (Never existed the secondary market capital repayments were made for some clients as Rodrigo Rato himself , came from his own Ponzi scheme of preferential capital was paid for new customers scammed )

Bankia continues to spend tens of millions of euros in advertising campaigns and to "callar las bocas" in the media , especially in television , making statements of the type, " are already solved the problems of those affected by preference shares. .. " and similar lies .
While many of the elderly are scammed by age died a few others by the misfortune of being deceived and see how the government attacks against them , so Bankia is saving millions of euros ( the Preferred scam is over 3,000 million euros).

Give us back our savings scammed and preference shares,Justice ! , The guilty, Miguel Blesa and Rodrigo Rato, to jail.
A government that attacks, lambasts, teases ,checked out and attacks against the most sacred of society , who are our elders, is a Mother fucker´s Government.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

State Attorney General Eduardo Torres Dulce, following orders of the Minister of Justice Alberto Ruiz Gallardón and unpresentable Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, conspired to criminalize and condemn thousands of elderly cheated and abused by Bankia. In this way our leaders again show their lack of respect for justice , democracy and, above all , for our elderly retirees.
The prosecution is not to investigate the scam Bankia, not to harm Rodrigo Rato , Miguel Blesa and Popular Party leaders

State Attorney General Eduardo Torres Dulce, following orders of the Minister of Justice Alberto Ruiz Gallardón and unpresentable Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, conspired to criminalize and condemn thousands of elderly cheated and abused by Bankia. In this way our leaders again show their lack of respect for justice , democracy and, above all , for our elderly retirees.

Despite the existence and thousands of court decisions condemning Bankia, ( for fraud and misleading their customers with the toxic " Preference Shares " ) , Mariano Rajoy, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón and his " faithful dog " Prosecutor Eduardo Torres Dulce, insult again and laugh out loud at the hundreds of thousands of small savers and pensioners who have been scammed .

Dulce Torres sees no need to investigate the excesses that Bankia has committed for 25 years and have led the country into the current economic collapse .

While all this is happening , Miguel Blesa and Rodrigo Rato ideologues and heads of the big scam , remain at large and enjoying their Sueldazo , sponsored and protected by their peers, leaders of the Popular Party militants .

The only economic recovery in Spain must necessarily pass through the liquidation and closure of Bankia , since this bank debt continues to grow and grow, it is a bottomless pit where already squandered more than 80,000 million Euros . Millions that must be returned salaried citizens , pensioners and the unemployed.
To date Bankia continues to lose customers and capital, but has "active" enough so that, after their settlement can be paid to all creditors and most importantly return the savings to their customers scammed .

So Spain have billions of euros to invest in Health, Labor , Pension and Education among others.
Far from that Mariano Rajoy announces new pension cuts for next year 2014 .
Can you be motherfucker , motherfucker and shameless ?

The answer is Yes, as an example the Attorney General Eduardo Torres Dulce , rather than accuse and prosecute offenders , court orders to rule in favor of criminals , the same prosecutor becoming a necessary and essential contributor to perpetuate the great Bankia scam all Spanish .

Prosecutors and judges who lash out against the most sacred of a society , which are our seniors , they're bastards and bastards .

Eduardo Torres Dulce RESIGNATION , NOW!

Spanish Translation

El fiscal General del Estado Eduardo Torres Dulce, siguiendo ordenes del Ministro de Justicia Alberto Ruiz Gallardón y el impresentable presidente del gobierno Mariano Rajoy, se confabularon para criminalizar y condenar a miles de ancianos estafados y maltratados por Bankia. De esta forma nuestros gobernantes demuestran una vez más su nulo respeto por la justicia, la democrácia y, sobre todo, por nuestros ancianos jubilados.

A pesar de la existencia ya de miles de sentencias judiciales que condenan a Bankia,(por estafa y engaño a sus propios clientes con las el producto tóxico "Participaciones preferentes"), Mariano Rajoy, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón y su "perro fiel" el Fiscal Eduardo Torres Dulce, insultan una vez más y se rien a carcajadas de los cientos de miles de pequeños ahorradores y jubilados que han sido estafados.

Torres Dulce no considera necesario investigar los desmanes que Bankia ha cometido durante 25 años y que han llevado al pais hacia la actual quiebra económica.

Mientras pasa todo esto, Miguel Blesa y Rodrigo Rato los ideólogos y máximos responsables de la gran estafa, continúan en libertad y disfrutando de sus sueldazos, auspiciados y protegidos por sus compañeros, militantes dirigentes del Partido Popular.

La única recuperación económica de España debe pasar obligatoriamente por la liquidación y cierre definitivo de Bankia, ya que la deuda de este banco continúa creciendo y creciendo, es un pozo sin fondo dónde ya se han dilapidado más de 80.000 millones de Euros. Millones que deberemos devolver los ciudadanos asalariados, los pensionistas y los parados.
Al día de hoy Bankia continúa perdiendo clientes y capitales, pero dispone de "activos" suficientes para que, tras su liquidación pueda pagarse a todos sus acreedores y lo más importante devolver los ahorros estafados a sus propios clientes.

Así España dispondrá de miles de millones de euros para invertir en Sanidad, Trabajo, Pensiones y Educación entre otros.
Lejos de esto Mariano Rajoy anuncia nuevas bajadas de pensiones para el próximo año 2014.
¿Se puede ser más hijo puta, malnacido y sinvergüenza?

La respuesta es Si, como ejemplo el Fiscal General Eduardo Torres Dulce, en vez de acusar y perseguir a los delincuentes, ordena a los juzgados que fallen a favor de los delincuentes, convirtiendose el mismo fiscal en un colaborador necesario e imprescindible para perpetuar la gran estafa de Bankia a todos los españoles.

Los fiscales y magistrados que arremeten contra lo más sagrado de una sociedad, que son nuestras personas mayores, son unos malnacidos y unos hijos de puta.

Torres Dulce ¡¡¡DIMISIÓN, YA!!!

Thursday, 26 September 2013

EL Fiscal General del Estado, otro Psicópata

Torres Dulce el Fiscal General del Gobierno del Partido Popular, defiende a los estafadores Rato, Blesa, Acebes y compañía, los verdaderos artifices de la quiebra del estado español, y de paso comdena cientos de miles de ancianos estafados por Bankia y sus secuaces, que asco de fiscal

Eduardo Torres Dulce el Fiscal General del Gobierno Español del Partido Popular, defiende a los estafadores Rodrigo Rato, Miguel Blesa, Angel Acebes y compañía, que son los verdaderos artifices de la quiebra del estado español, los delincuentes que provocaron un agujero de más de 50.000 millones en Caja de Madrid, los "cerebros" de la estafa de las Participaciones Preferentes  y que además se han llevado otros 28.000 millones del rescate bancario Europeo, y además, este "Fiscalucho" sin empatía, por tanto un psicópata, condena a cientos de miles de ancianos estafados por Bankia y sus secuaces.

Eduardo Torres Dulce, Attorney General of the Spanish Popular Party government, defends the scammers Rodrigo Rato, Miguel Blesa, Angel Acebes and company, who are the true architects of the collapse of the Spanish state, criminals that caused a hole of more than 50,000 million in Caja de Madrid, the "brains" of the scam of the Preferred and also have been another 28,000 million European bank bailout, and also this "Fiscalucho" without empathy, so a psychopath, condemns hundreds of thousands of seniors scammed by Bankia and his henchmen.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Popular Party (PP), Spain´s shame

partido popular disolución ya, Rajoy, Cospedal, Arenas, Rato, Blesa, Acebes y Alvarez Cascos a la cárcel y que devuelban el dinero
Francisco Alvarez Cascos, Rodrigo Rato, Javier Arenas, Mariano Rajoy and Dolores de Cospedal, all are involved in the Popular Partys illegal financing plot.  Popular Party (PP)  is the shame of Spain and Europe

Alvarez Cascos es un delincuente y un sinvergüenza

Javier Arenas, cobró sobres con dinero negro, es un mentiroso además de corrupto y delincuente

Dolores de Cospedal es una delincuente y una sinvergüenza

National Court Judge´s Pablo Ruz, has summoned to testify from August 13 to the secretary general of the PP, María Dolores de Cospedal, and former secretaries Francisco Alvarez-Cascos and Javier Arenas, about receive envelopes with black money.
Dolores de Cospedal , dimisión ya, por delincuente

Javier Arenas y Alvarez Cascos cobraron sobres con dinero negro

Thursday, 1 August 2013

President Mariano Rajoy, has returned to lie today in Spanish´s parliament.

Rajoy dimision, Partido Popular corrupto
Mariano Rajoy the corrupt President Nick:"cobrasobres"

President Mariano Rajoy, has returned to lie today in parliament, has denied in whole illegal funding. Congress Party and also denied that he lightest envelopes with black money.
Rajoy has said Spain has emerged from the crisis.
Rajoy is a heartless scoundrel little guy, he just gives you the suffering of 6,000,000 people out of work.
The country can no longer support the corrupt government of the Popular Party, which has more than 20 years robbing and stealing money from the public purse and that has become untouchable to justice, mainly due to the militancy among the ranks of the Party many judges and prosecutors.

Most political groups have called for the Mariano Rajoy´s resignation and the urgent convening of General Elections

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Spanish´s recession is called Mariano Rajoy

Cospedal y Rajoy dimision

Mariano Rajoy Dimision
Rajoy dimision
You can download this image by clicking on it to enlarge, and then you can write on it the text you want.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Cristina Cifuentes is Daughter of a Bitch, Lesson 14

Cristina Cifuentes, is the one who orders the police beat and detain any of the 6,000,000 unemployed who can think protest.
Her ex-husband is in search and seizure.
She is another Popular Party´s gangster, a daughter of a bitch. 
Cristina Cifuentes, Resigns Now !

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Rajoy further mistreat old people, Lesson 12

Bankia, the Popular Party´s (PP) corrupt bank is bankrupt, because it only has debts.

The Bankia´s president, Mr Goirigolzarri, lying when shown the financial accounts.

A government that not protects and pampers its seniors's, is a  of bastards´s government.

Mariano Rajoy also attacks older people who have been deceived by Bankia. A total of nearly one million families, many have died.
Lots of money saved
Mariano Rajoy, a good deal.

Rajoy, motherfucker, resigns now!

Mariano Rajoy and his justice´s minister, Mr. Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, have ordered the state´s prosecutors to defend the great scam promoters Bankia.

They have taken from jail to Miguel Blesa, prompting a scammer criminal embezzlement of nearly € 30,000 mill.

If you still have hired a banking product with Bankia, please cancel your account, do it for Spain.

you very much.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Bankia employeed will steal your money, lesson 11

Bankia employees will steal your money, they have already stolen EUR 3,000 million elderly and retired clients.

The Mariano Rajoy´s Government, attacks defrauded customers out of the prison and the offender Miguel Blesa, who has stolen more than EUR. 28,000 million to Bankia.

If you still have hired a banking product with Bankia, please cancel your account, do it for Spain.

you very much.