Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Spanish´s recession is called Mariano Rajoy

Cospedal y Rajoy dimision

Mariano Rajoy Dimision
Rajoy dimision
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Helping the Popular Party´s (PP) corrupt banks, stays profitable.

Mariano Rajoy a son of a bitch
The fund FROB-the banking rescue Spanish-lost more than 26,000 million euros in 2012 and this led to the public agency accounting close with a hole of about 21,800 million euros.

According to the accounts of the FROB, approved more than a week ago but published last Friday July 26, at the end of 2012 the debts were 51.314 million against assets of 29.483 million, which implies an equity gap of 21.831 million, which now wants to compensate.

In June 2012, the State presented the FROB 6,000 million before the end of the year he paid 39.468 million, which almost consumed to recapitalize Bankia, and to a lesser extent the other three corrupt banks: Novagalicia, CatalunyaBanc and Banco de Valencia.

While not close and settled corrupt banks, especially Bankia, Spain does not have any posibility to get out of the recession or create jobs.

While Bankia has yet to return the money to its rightful owners cheated, they continue fulfilling years, some have already died without being able to charge a penny.

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