Monday, 25 November 2013

Carlos Fabra another pig sty,

C. Fabra, former president of the council of Castellón and member of the Popular Party has been sentenced to 4 years in prison for tax evasion.
Carlos Fabra another pig sty,  No jail for so much motherfucker!

Carlos Fabra another pig sty,

No jail for so much motherfucker!

Memory of Spain

Memory of Spain

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Intifada begins in Spain, fighting continues the Popular Party.

Too bad I did not hurl the sandal against the face of Rodrigo Rato scammer!...

Mr Rato, remember that "fear is going to switch sides."

Does the recession ended?, Yes, but only for the liar Minister Montoro

 6 million unemployed. Does the recession ended?, Yes, but only for the liar Minister Montoro