Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Spanish´s recession is called Mariano Rajoy

Cospedal y Rajoy dimision

Mariano Rajoy Dimision
Rajoy dimision
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Sunday, 28 July 2013

Cristina Cifuentes is Daughter of a Bitch, Lesson 14

Cristina Cifuentes, is the one who orders the police beat and detain any of the 6,000,000 unemployed who can think protest.
Her ex-husband is in search and seizure.
She is another Popular Party´s gangster, a daughter of a bitch. 
Cristina Cifuentes, Resigns Now !

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Rajoy further mistreat old people, Lesson 12

Bankia, the Popular Party´s (PP) corrupt bank is bankrupt, because it only has debts.

The Bankia´s president, Mr Goirigolzarri, lying when shown the financial accounts.

A government that not protects and pampers its seniors's, is a  of bastards´s government.

Mariano Rajoy also attacks older people who have been deceived by Bankia. A total of nearly one million families, many have died.
Lots of money saved
Mariano Rajoy, a good deal.

Rajoy, motherfucker, resigns now!

Mariano Rajoy and his justice´s minister, Mr. Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, have ordered the state´s prosecutors to defend the great scam promoters Bankia.

They have taken from jail to Miguel Blesa, prompting a scammer criminal embezzlement of nearly € 30,000 mill.

If you still have hired a banking product with Bankia, please cancel your account, do it for Spain.

you very much.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Bankia employeed will steal your money, lesson 11

Bankia employees will steal your money, they have already stolen EUR 3,000 million elderly and retired clients.

The Mariano Rajoy´s Government, attacks defrauded customers out of the prison and the offender Miguel Blesa, who has stolen more than EUR. 28,000 million to Bankia.

If you still have hired a banking product with Bankia, please cancel your account, do it for Spain.

you very much.






Monday, 22 July 2013

Spain wants the resignation and prosecution of Mariano Rajoy, Lesson 10

All Spanish, including activists of the Popular Party, expected the resignation of President Mariano Rajoy corrupt.

Mariano Rajoy again despises Spanish parliament and again refuses to appear before Parliament to explain the following offenses committed by him and other Popular Party´s members.

1. - The illegal collection of envelopes full of money black, by the members and leadership of his party for more than 20 years.

2. - The People's Party illegal financing for over 20 years.

3. - The Embezzlement committed by members of the Popular Party of more than € 28,000 million in Bankia.

4. - Appointing the Judge de los Cobos, People's Party´s activist as head of the Constitutional Court of the constitutional principle laughing Independence of justice.

5. - Allow and encourage Bankia to steal all customers Preferred savers.

6. - Does not explain because it has generated a million unemployed a year.

7. - Gives no explanation of why management has taken Colleges, Hospitals and Businesses with criminals and corrupt councilors, in the Popular Party´s activists.

Although Spanish police can act in the event of an "in flagrante delicto", yet there is no chief of police who has the courage or embarrassment to act and arrest the whole rotten leadership´s Spanish Popular Party.

The corrupt prime minister, Mariano Rajoy should resign and be tried for all the crimes committed and spoiled for years by the and the top leadership of his party, and should go to jail.

Government ministers of the Popular Party (PP) should be dismissed immediately and be disqualified from holding any public office for life.

The Popular Party is synonymous with fraud, lies and theft, for all this, this party should be dissolved.

While Bankia not close and liquidate its assets, it is impossible for Spain out of recession.

Bankia and Mariano Rajoy, have stolen more than 700,000 retired bank customers, more than € 3,000 million 

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Moody's downgrades ratings of Bankia, Catalunya Banc and NCG Bank, lesson 9

London, July 02, 2013 .
Moody's Investors Service has downgraded the ratings of the three Spanish banking gangsters bands, knows "Popular Party´s Corrupted Banks".
The debt and deposit ratings of Bankia were downgraded by two notches to B1 with a negative outlook because these are bankrupt´s banks.
The debt and deposit ratings of the other two banks, Catalunya Banc S.A. (Catalunya Banc) and NCG Banco S.A. (NCG Banco) were both downgraded by two notches to B3 from B1 with a negative outlook.

The press release has been a Notice to current investors and small savers and for the future, those who are thinking of investing your money in Spain.

The three are bankrupt´s banks, because they have many billions of euros and Mariano Rajoy does not want the big scam responsible are prosecuted and convicted.

As an example Miguel Blesa, after being imprisoned for being the head of the scam Bankia (28,000 million euros), Mariano Rajoy has pulled out of the jail, a great insult to democracy and justice.

The Agency Moody's warns of great danger to the money deposited in these banks, who have cheated their own clients (retired elderly, sick and pensioners) stealing more than 3,000 million euros

If the Spanish government of Mariano Rajoy not close "Bankia" and two corrupt bank, Spain will never have the opportunity to return to economic growth.

Throughout all of this, President Marian Rajoy and his administration continue to lie and cheat to European authorities and its own citizens about the real state of the economy and Spanish banks.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Mariano Rajoy´s Spanish Educational Project, lesson 8

The Mariano Rajoy´s educational project
, is based on  religious education, eliminating a large number of colleges and universities.

Mariano Rajoy not like technological advancements, so we devote the entire budget to build hotel schools around the country, although without public funding.

This year 2013, Mariano Rajoy has made nearly 30,000 students who were enrolled in a college, university permanently cease.

Mariano Rajoy knows that if you close all schools and public universities could save 10,000 million euros.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Cockroaches in Castilla- La Mancha, lesson 7

In 1977 Ignacio López del Hierro was appointed civil governor of Toledo by Rodolfo Martin Villa, who was Interior Minister´s dictator Francisco Franco, (Rodolfo Martín Villa currently plays in the Popular Party "PP")

It is one of those most responsible for the scam of € 9 billion, and bank failure of the "Caja Castilla la Mancha " bank .This offender is married to Maria Dolores de Cospedal, she is  President of  "Castilla - La Mancha´s Comumnity".

To conclude the presentation of the gangster, the husband indicated that "La Cospedal", which is closing hospitals and clinics of the Castilla-La Mancha, and privatize the remaining public hospitals, giving them management, IDC Health, a business of her husband, a real scandal.

Currently, continues to steal money because IDC manages public hospitals.
Both belong to the Popular Party, so for now they are protected by the prosecutors and judges of their leader Mariano Rajoy.

It's hard to explain what is the origin of hatred citizens, their own constituents.

They will hate? Also to Don Quixote?

This is the 7 lesson of English for Spanish course